We deliver

freedom, flexibility and great rates

Our available courier opportunities

London courier
Local courier
National courier
Fast food courier

London courier

With the busiest courier circuit in the city it's the perfect time to join our team in London. Click view more below to apply today!

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Local courier

Jump in your car and make local deliveries in your community. Work as few or as many hours as you like to fit your schedule, whether that’s in between the school run or a few hours on the weekend.

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National courier

Join our growing national fleet as a pushbike, motorbike or van courier. Work is varied as we support a huge number of businesses across the country.

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Fast food courier

Work when you want for a bit of extra cash (at great rates!). If you own a scooter or motorbike and want to earn great rates on a schedule that is totally yours, join our fast food courier fleet.

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Help and support for existing and new couriers

If you are currently working with CitySprint and have any questions at all, please get in touch with our centralised courier escalations team by clicking below.


Got a query about your payments? Get in touch and we'll be happy to help


If you haven't had an invoice or just have a question about one, simply let us know

Day to day

Out on the road and have a general question? Click below to get in touch

Get in touch

Getting on the road is easy

You can be on the road as a CitySprint courier in just a few hours. You will need a few things to get started (like a valid driver's licence, a vehicle and insurance) so to find out more, click on the different courier options above for a full list of what you need.

Courier of the Year 2016

The brilliant team at CitySprint has been one of the main reasons I enjoy the work I do so much. We riders have a great rapport with them and the banter on the radio often makes me smile.
Pushbike Courier
Being a self-employed courier is great! I have been working with CitySprint since 2006 carrying out many different types of deliveries across the UK. I enjoy the variation and not having to do the same thing each day!
National Courier
I enjoy being a courier at CitySprint because of the flexibility it gives me with my hours. Having the choice of when I would like to work and how many hours per day is great - I would certainly recommend it!
Local Courier

We want you

If you are looking for the freedom of being your own boss while earning great rates and with the support of a friendly local team, join us today!